Monday, July 23, 2012

Prevent and Reverse Hearing Loss with Good Nutrition

Prevent and Reverse Hearing Loss with Good Nutrition
More and more studies are proving that age related hearing loss has more to do with a lack of nutrition than loud sounds. Nutrient deficiencies are commonly overlooked as contributing factors in many diseases as well as hearing loss. Different nutritional supplements can prevent and even reverse age-related hearing loss.
Vitamin D
Vitamin D is a source for stronger bones especially in a condition called osteopenia where the bones become porous and demineralized. A Vitamin D deficiency can cause osteopenia in the tiny bones of the ears which leads to hearing loss and deafness. Vitamin D can correct hearing loss in these specific cases.
Free Radical Scavengers
Free Radical Scavengers are Vitamin C, glutathione, Vitamin E, and Lipoic Acid which all have been used to treat and prevent hearing loss. Hearing improvements have been shown in as short as 8 weeks.
Magnesium treatment has been shown to reduce both temporary and permanent noise induced hearing loss. The Air Force has given a rich source of magnesium to their troops to protect them against continuous exposure to loud noises. This treatment has repeatedly shown effective in prevention of hearing damage.

Food for Your Ears
·         Almonds
·         Salmon
·         Broccoli
·         Beans
·         Peas
·         Beef liver
·         Eggs
·         Raw spinach
·         Asparagus
·         Pears
·         Orange Juice
·         Mango
·         Sweet potatoes
·         Kiwi
·         Wheat germ
·         Lean beef
·         Red Meats
·         Clams
·         Yogurt
·         Avocado
·         Banana

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