Hearing Dogs for the Deaf
and Hard of Hearing
Hearing Dogs
are trained to alert people to
sounds around the house or out in public. These dogs are usually Labradors or
Golden Retrievers because of their high training capability, but many other dog
breeds qualify as well.
Around the
house, they are trained to make physical contact with their lead person
whenever hearing a sound. Out in public, the most important thing a Hearing Dog
offers a person is increased awareness of their environment. Although the dog
isn’t specifically trained to alert to sounds of a honking horn or siren, the
lead person will begin to pay attention to whatever the dog is reacting to. The
dog will turn to look at something and the person will turn to see what is
happening too.
A Hearing
Dog’s training usually
consists of about 4-6 months of temperament evaluation, socialization, sound
training, and obedience training. The dogs are rewarded with toys and
affection. These intelligent dogs are normally trained to respond to the
following sounds: smoke and fire alarms, oven timer, a baby cry, the telephone,
alarm clock, doorbell/door knock, and name call.
The dog and
chosen partner are in placement
training for 3 to 5 days
in length before becoming permanent companions. Once the dog is placed with the
deaf/ hard of hearing partner, they easily learn to respond to additional
sounds such as a washer/dryer, tea kettle, microwave and any other repetitive

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