Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Don't Let Hearing Loss Discourage You

Don’t Let Hearing Loss Discourage You

David Smith is a professional volley ball player who has an 80-90 percent hearing loss. He’s been wearing hearing aids since he was 3 years old. He is now 27 and has brought his men’s volley ball team to the Olympics. Although he never dreamed of participating in the Olympics, his excellent physicality has brought him to the top with his high jumps and level of intensity for the game.

David uses lip reading to understand his teammates. Face-to-face communication isn’t always possible in a sport like volleyball but he says it only affects him once in a while. The main problem seems to be when he sweats a lot, his hearing aids will sometimes go out. However, he recently began trying out a new brand of hearing aids which hasn’t given him problems yet.

Along with being a national volleyball champion, Smith is an Irvine alumnus who has his degree in civil engineering.

Don’t let hearing loss hold you back from following your dreams or discourage you from doing something you want to do. Being hard of hearing or deaf does not define you. Follow your dreams head on and live your life to the fullest. What do you have to lose?

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