Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Don't Delay on Finding Your Hearing Aids

Don’t Delay on Finding Your Hearing Aids

A hearing aid patient is usually aware of their hearing loss an average of 10 years before they actually take action.

Reasons People delay getting hearing aids:

1.     Stigma and Cosmetics

A lot of people reject the idea of hearing aids because they don’t want to be seen with one or are concerned with the stigma of having a hearing loss.

2.     Inadequate Information

Most people are unaware they have a significant hearing loss and don’t consider getting more information in regards to adapting to it.

3.     Misdirected Medical Guidance

Well intended physicians have given false information stating that if you have good hearing in one ear you may not need a hearing aid just for the one hard of hearing ear.

4.     Not realizing the importance of Hearing

Check out the importance of hearing in a previous blog entry. ( )

5.     Feeling that Hearing Aids are out of your Price Range

Some people who have developed a hearing loss do not have the income to afford modern day’s hearing aids. However there are many programs such as Medicare and other government programs that help with funding.

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