Thursday, July 19, 2012

Effects of Untreated Hearing Loss

Effects of Untreated Hearing Loss

Allowing hearing loss to continue untreated may lead to serious health issues.

Auditory Deprivation is one effect which is a condition that decreases speech understanding resulting from a hearing loss.

Social and Emotional Impact

Untreated hearing loss has been linked to depression and social isolation. Quality of life lessens within patients experiencing long term untreated hearing loss.

Economic Impact

Evidence concludes that hearing impaired patients who choose to not wear hearing aids earn less in the workforce: Possibly having something to do with listening skills being mistaken as ignorance or neglect.


A link between hearing loss and the development of dementia concluded that people who experience mild hearing loss are twice as likely to develop dementia.

Lifestyle Effects

·         Fear of being ridiculed or pitied

·         Isolation

·         Embarrassment having to ask for repetitions on conversation

·         Tension or frustration at communication difficulties

·         Relationship problems from misunderstandings

·         Anxiety over effects of not being able to hear clearly

The Benefits of Treatment will greatly diminish or even eliminate these issues all together. All you need to do is take the first step to getting proper treatment for hearing loss.

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