Monday, July 16, 2012

The Importance of Hearing In Learning Development of Children

The Importance of Hearing


Learning Development of Children

Most children learn to talk by imitating the sounds around them. The voices of their loved ones composed of vowels and consonants play an important role in the auditory training of children from birth. Oral language is an active element in gathering crucial hearing skills.

If a child has trouble hearing, their learning skills can become delayed and difficult compared to a child who can hear clearly. Language is our basic tool for interpersonal relationships and an act of communication that allows people to communicate effectively with one another in exchange of emotions, ideas, and knowledge.

When an acute sense of hearing is present, the basis of acquiring the skills of reading and writing are easily achievable.

Exercises to enrich learning capacity and test  hearing skills in children:


      ·         Memorize poems

      ·         Tongue twisters

      ·         Riddles

      ·         Sequence of numbers

      ·         Repeat songs or poems that rhyme

·         Inventing words that rhyme

·         Design a family book with pictures of objects

If there is any suspicion that your child does not listen properly consult a specialist to prevent any difficulty in learning development.

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