Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Ways the Supplier Can Make Buying a Hearing Aid Feel Wrong

Ways the Supplier Can Make Buying a Hearing Aid Feel Wrong

All it takes is an employee to be in a rush or have an off day to make a drastic mistake when helping a consumer find the perfect hearing aid. Don’t be completely discouraged from finding a proper fit for a hearing aid if you felt the wrath of disregard and got a bad vibe from the one company.  There are people out there who are good at what they do and won’t stop helping you until you find the perfect fit.

Lack of information:

Most providers discuss style and features; however secret shoppers have proven that a significant portion did not. Studies have shown one out of four did not know if their aids had feedback suppression or whether or not they had directional microphones. Both of these features can make or break the decision on a hearing aid for some consumers.

Mediocre fitting:

Shoppers are constantly buying hearing aids that were bought as a misfit. They amplify too little or too much and don’t fit the consumer’s ear comfortably. Be sure the hearing aid representative has the priority to find an aid that fits to you personally. Be clear on what is important to you when finding the perfect hearing aid and don’t settle for less. If you’re unsure about the aid they are trying to give you, make it known you aren’t completely comfortable with it and move on. The representative should be able to work with your specific needs.

Whoa on the prices:

Hearing aids vary greatly when it comes to prices. They can range anywhere from $1200 to $6800 per pair depending on what you consider a priority when purchasing a hearing aid. Decide and stick to your budget when going out shopping. Be sure the hearing aid you purchase has all the features you want and fits to your personal comfort. Ask about what’s included in the hearing aid purchase regarding professional fitting and follow-up services. Get the bang for your buck so you feel satisfied with your purchase without feeling like you’ve been gypped.

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