Thursday, August 16, 2012

Warnings From the FDA and BHI to Consumers on Do-It-Yourself Hearing Care

Warnings From the FDA and BHI to Consumers on Do-It-Yourself Hearing Care

The Better Hearing Institute (BHI) is warning customers about purchasing over-the-counter, one size fits all hearing aids instead of consulting a hearing professional. Your hearing loss can be a symptom of an underlying medical condition. It is extremely advised to use a hearing care professional when purchasing hearing aids rather than trying to purchase hearing aids on your own.

Hearing devices purchased over the counter or through the internet without the proper consultation of a professional may not be accurate in fitting the specific needs and comfort of the individual. Hearing aids of today are more technical and need to be programmed in order to fit the specific requirements of the person’s hearing loss in order to provide high levels of benefit and satisfaction.

The FDA argues that over the counter hearing aids advertising one size fits most can cause an allergic reaction, ear canal irritation or a bleeding ear canal. Also, the sound pressure level of the hearing aid may be set too high and cause permanent hearing damage. They also proclaim that not seeing a hearing care professional could mean missing a medical condition that of draining ear, sudden hearing loss or other conditions that may cause permanent damage if left untreated.

The FDA requires anyone needing even a small amount of hearing assistance to see a medical professional or sign a waiver. The FDA regulates anyone selling hearing devices to be a professional licensed by the State. The main purpose for FDA rules regarding hearing aid policies is to protect the consumer’s safety and ensure efficient products are being provided.

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