Monday, August 13, 2012

The Importance of Upgrading Your Hearing Aid

The Importance of Upgrading Your Hearing Aid

Even if your hearing aid works very well, it can still become dirty and worn over time. Your Hearing level and even the shape of your outer ear can change with age and extensive use of a hearing aid. Hearing aids are progressing very frequently so what could it hurt to get an upgrade on your hearing aid?

Some useful hearing aid upgrades could be:

·       Cleaning the casing, microphone and other parts of the hearing aid that collect dirt and moisture

·       Fixing mistakes that might have been made when originally fitting your hearing aid

·       Repairing the casing or other parts

·       Adjustments to the hearing aid to help fit your ear better with less feedback

Hearing loss worsens over time so be sure to upgrade your hearing aid to not only improve your hearing but to maintain optimal hearing.

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