Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Elderly Hearing Loss

Elderly Hearing Loss

Elderly hearing loss is known as presbycusis, which is a type of hearing loss that is caused by the natural aging process of the body. The older we get, the less effective our ability to hear and see is. Hearing loss is a very common problem in the elderly which is why hearing aid devices are always being tested and amended throughout time.

Our hearing starts to decline at the young age of twenty. Without noticing it, days creep by affecting our hearing with the loud sounds of life. We enjoy concerts, ball games, parties, blaring our music, and occasionally screaming with excitement. And there’s no way around it, I have to mow the lawn with an iPod. We can protect our ears from loud noises that we are expecting but we still have to endure a certain amount of hearing damage from the noises that are less predictable.

Aging causes the inside nerves of the ear and other cells to die off after a period of time from excessive loud noise over a lengthy period of time. Most times there is no cure for hearing loss but with the help of a hearing aid, hearing lost is improved significantly. All hearing aids contain the same key components in order to help you hear better and maintain a certain level of wearing comfort.

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