Monday, August 6, 2012

Take Precautions When Searching For Hearing Aids Online

Take Precautions When Searching For Hearing Aids Online

A little research is needed before just mailing in your hearing aid for a repair. Stories from consumers who have mailed in hearing aids to only be deceived are happening more often. Here are some tips for ordering hearing aids online so you don’t wind up getting duped.

When you find a hearing aid company online that interests you, make sure to do your research. Email or contact them and ask questions. Don’t ignore the red flags. If it doesn’t feel right, move on to another company.

Do an Internet search on the hearing aid company for reviews or consumer complaints. You may be surprised to see what pops up. Steer clear if there are too many bad reports or complaints of the company being a scam.

Check the company with the Better Business Bureau or call them to make sure the company is legitimate and has no illegal counts against them.

If all research seems clear of scams and negative input/feedback, be sure to use a credit card for payment. Avoid using a debit card or personal check this way you can easily maintain a chargeback if their half of the transaction doesn’t pan out. Once you have paid with plastic, print a copy of your receipt and confirmation number for your records.

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