Thursday, July 26, 2012

Outdoor Activities That Affect Your Hearing

Outdoor Activities That Affect Your Hearing

1.     Lake Activities: And we don’t mean a leisurely cruise on your kayak.  Bring your ear plugs for the planned day out on the powerboat. These types of watercrafts carry noise levels exceeding 90 decibels. (check out the blog on harmful decibel levels-

2.     Lawn Warriors: A regular lawn mower has noise levels of 85-90 decibels. A leaf blower emits noise slightly higher than 100 decibels. It takes about eight hours at this level to cause permanent damage so if you’re doing yard work for extensive hours always wear your ear plugs during yard work.

3.     Motorcycle Rides: One of the greatest pleasures in life is heading out for a motorcycle ride on the open road. Larger bikes can exceed noise levels of 95 decibels, with hearing damage in just 4 hours. Protect your hearing with earplugs beneath your helmet.

4.     Rockin’ Out: Live music in an indoor auditorium measures about 75-80 decibels, however, a rock concert can measure to above 120 decibels creating permanent ear damage in just 7.5 minutes. When the option exists, try to choose outdoor concerts over indoor venues.

5.     Sports Stadiums can measure as much as 115 decibels with hearing damage existent in just 15 minutes. You will still be able to hear the umpire make the call while wearing earplugs.

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