Sunday, July 1, 2012

Notice the signs of a hearing loss.

Helen Keller once noted on being both blind and deaf that "Blindness separates you from things and deafness  separates you from people."

Hearing is an essential tool that connects us to other people. Relationships suffer from hearing loss when conversations become tedious and difficult to maintain. Seniors miss what is happening around them, sounds of happiness and laughter. Even more importantly they could miss sounds that mean danger.

Our hearing loss suffers gradually throughout our lives from high everyday noise levels. Unless the hearing loss is sudden, many people don't realize their hearing is worsening.  We know our vision is changing when things begin looking blurry but with hearing loss you simply don't hear so you don't even realize what you've missed.

Some common signs of a person experiencing hearing loss are:

People telling you you're speaking too loudly.

Having trouble conversing in noisy surroundings.

Frequently asking people to repeat things.

Having trouble understanding women's or children's higher voices.

Having to watch people talk in order to understand what they are saying.

Having problems  knowing which direction sounds are coming from.

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