Monday, June 25, 2012

What exactly causes Hearing Loss?

                 What exactly causes Hearing Loss?

                Coping with hearing loss can affect your life in many ways. Talks with friends and family may become more difficult as words seem to fade in regular conversation. It becomes difficult to enjoy all there is out of life when you're missing what everyone has to say. People may start to think that you are confused, uncaring, or being difficult when in fact you just can't hear that well. If left untreated, problems resulting from hearing loss can get much worse.

Hearing loss may be caused by the aging process, ear wax buildup, bacterial or viral infections, tumors, heredity, head injuries, strokes and some medicines.  Most commonly, exposure to loud noises (over 85 decibels) for a long period of time could be the cause of your hearing loss. So be sure you're protecting your ears with ear plugs when surrounded by loud noises.
Watch the video below for some useful information on the causes and prevention of noise-induced hearing loss.

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