Saturday, August 4, 2012

Hard of Hearing Volleyball Player Excels in the Olympics: Progress of Hearing Aids Throughout Time

To further into the previous entry of David Smith ( ), he has proven that being 80-90 percent hard of hearing does not hold him back from victory in life as well as in sports. The volleyball team is up to be the first men’s team to win four Olympic gold medals and defend their title twice. His only true enemy seems to be the sweat. During the real sweaty of the games, his hearing aids will shut down, leaving him without being able to hear vibrations from the cheer of the crowd and beating of the ball.

David can read lips but it can be very difficult with the team moving around the court. The coach of the team has made a “David Smith Rule” which the team abides every game. If David is going for a ball, the team mates leave it so they don’t run into anybody.

The team is made of strong leveled athletes that can figure it out. They understand each other and work well together. Even growing up, nothing has ever held back David Smith. He attended a normal hearing school and at six foot eight inches, an impressive jump and a well suited physicality, David is extremely successful. He maintained a civil engineering degree from a regular university as well as playing sports.

Hearing aids are allowing anyone with a percentage of hearing loss to live a completely normal life. People are able to follow their dreams and live life to the fullest when they thought hearing loss wouldn’t allow them to. Finding the perfect hearing aid to accommodate your life activities will change your life for the better. All you have to do is make the first step.

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