Friday, June 8, 2012

Do I Need Hearing Aids?

Do I Need Hearing Aids?

What are some signs of hearing loss?

  • Do you complain that people are mumbling?
  • Do you frequently ask people to repeat what they have said?
  • Do you have increased difficulty understanding what people are saying in background?
  • Do you prefer the television or radio louder than other people?
  • Do you have trouble understanding what is being said at the movies or theater, your house of worship, or other public gatherings?
  • Do you have difficulty understanding conversations in a group?
  • Do you become more impatient, irritable, frustrated, or withdrawn?
  • Do you have difficulty understanding people when you cannot see their faces?
  • Have you had any significant noise exposure at work, recreation or in military service?
  • Do you have a ringing in the ears or other head noises (hissing, buzzing, crickets, etc.)?

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