The Stages of Hearing Loss
1. The first stage is denial in which the person does not believe
they have a hearing issue. They could also blame responsibility on others
saying that they do not have a problem and others just mumble. However denial
is usually temporary until the person acknowledges they have a hearing problem
and are helped towards treatment.
2. Withdrawal occurs soon after denial when the individual doesn't
expose themselves in situations where hearing is difficult.
3. Anger is the next stage. Hearing impaired people are sometimes
grouchy and become isolated from others. This happens when the person begins to
comment less or inaccurately because they can't completely hear others talking.
4. Loss of self esteem turns into the depression state. Social
isolation and feelings of loneliness make what was easy yesterday, difficult
today. Involving the person in conversations and activities can help prevent this
5. The last stage is acceptance of receiving hearing loss treatment in
the forms of hearing instruments, aural rehabilitation, and auditory training.
Help your loved ones by recognizing the stages and guiding them to acceptance of their hearing loss. The sooner they reach the acceptance stage, the sooner they can receive treatment and once again experience communication with the people and loved ones around them.
Help your loved ones by recognizing the stages and guiding them to acceptance of their hearing loss. The sooner they reach the acceptance stage, the sooner they can receive treatment and once again experience communication with the people and loved ones around them.