Monday, September 24, 2012

Heart warming testimonial from one of our patients!

I recently purchased an Audibel hearing aid and would love to tell you my story.

I am 79-year-old, and I was visiting my daughter in Tampa, Florida when one of my old-fashioned hearing aids lost sound.

While out shopping I noticed a sign indicating a hearing aid center was open.  I wandered in to ask if it was possible for the audiologist to have a look at my hearing aid to see if it could be repaired for use until I returned to Atlanta.  She looked at it, fixed it, and when I asked how much I owed for the ‘reconnection’, she replied, “Oh, there’s no charge.  It’s my pleasure to help you!”  I was pleasantly surprised.

Without seeming ‘pushy’ at all, she mentioned current hearing aids have advanced so much electronically that I might be surprised at the difference in new aids.  She said that she would check my hearing at no charge.  I agreed – and was told that my hearing capacity was only 26%. This struck me by surprise, but at the same time, I knew I wasn’t hearing well with the aids I had.  One of my special volunteer projects had been at the recreation center near my home in Atlanta where my children come to after school.  I was having a great time teaching them. However, my hearing began to diminish.  Finally, it came to the point where I could no longer hear.  The center offered me an adult to sit with me to interpret, but the problem was I could not hear the interpreter either.  I had to give up my much loved volunteer work.

After my audiologist (and now she began to seem like a caring friend) was able to show me how much better I could hear with the Audibel aids.  I was astonished with the quality of the aids – as was my daughter.  True, I can’t always distinguish the words people are using, but if they look at me when they speak, my hearing aids now pick up the sound I was previously missing.

As you could imagine, I could only hug and thank Ms. Gonzalez for her expertise, patience, kindness, and for the care she gave me as a patient.  My daughter went with me on one visit and said to me, “Mom, that lady knows what she is talking about and she is determined to help you.  Stick with her and see.”

Once the aids were delivered and placed in my ear, I came ‘home’.  When my daughter asked how the aids were, I actually heard her.  She was so excited.  Shortly afterward I heard her call a friend and say, “I can’t tell you how happy I am today.  My mother got new hearing aids and she was able to hear what I said.”  It was a happy day for both of us.

Now back to Ms. Gonzalez.  She is not just an ordinary audiologist.  She is very skilled in her profession (I believe she said she had been an audiologist for fifteen years), but most of all, she truly cares for her patients with such warmth.  In addition to that, she has a very warm, competent and smiling receptionist who also seems to have the same dedication to their customers.

This morning as my daughter and I walker her two dogs, we met a neighbor on the street, who was also out with her dogs.  My daughter immediately said, “My mother has new hearing aids and can hear me now!”  The woman replied, “My mother is actually in need of new hearing aids.  Where did you go?”  Not only did my daughter give her directions to Audibel, she praised Ms. Gonzalez highly.  Also, my daughter has a close associate whose son in college has severe hearing loss and also wears hearing aids.  My daughter recommended that when he is at home again, he should specifically take his son to Audibel.

You have a jewel in Ms. Gonzalez.  I had had previously purchased hearing aids from Costco in Atlanta, and they were fine for the time I had them, but often the audiologist would be a different person.  And Ms. Gonzalez was right – the new electronic ones offer an amazing hearing difference.

Just thought you would like to hear from a satisfied customer.  I can’t thank her enough.


Charlotte Savignac

Friday, September 7, 2012

What to Expect When Going In for A Hearing Test

Shedding Some Light

When Going in for a Hearing Test

Visiting a reputable hearing center for the first time can make people feel a little anxious. Don't be! You are making a big, rewarding step to improving your listening ability and your quality of life. Keep an open mind and remind yourself that tons of people everywhere are making this same step. You are not alone.

Prepare yourself for some of the questions that will be asked. They may ask what types of places you frequent or the environment you are normally in to get a better understanding on what may have caused your loss of hearing. Asking if loud music is a part of your everyday life and if you wear earphones and how loud are normal questions asked by a hearing specialist. 

Hearing specialists will need to know as much as possible about your overall health pertaining to your hearing history in order to help you find the best hearing device to fit your needs personally. So make the step today! What do you have to lose? Visit to schedule a free hearing exam.


Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The Advancement of Hearing Aids

The Advancement of Hearing Aids

Hearing aids were once known to be bulky, expensive, uncomfortable and more of a pain to deal with than coping with the hearing loss itself. However, a highly competitive market drives down prices and keeps the quality and features of hearing aids advancing very quickly. Major advancements on hearing aids have made today’s quality of hearing aids convenient, completely invisible, affordable and most importantly, comfortable and effective. Hearing aids are now made to withstand interference of everyday life, telephone static, waterproof, swim-proof, and can even be customized to fit an individual’s personal wants and needs making hearing aids completely customizable.
These tiny lightweight devices have come a long way from the bulky, basic skin toned devices of the past giving consumers plenty of options when searching for the perfect device to help hear at your full potential. Allow yourself time and patience when searching for your perfect hearing aid. You’ve got options.

Monday, August 27, 2012

What causes sudden hearing loss?

                What causes sudden hearing loss?

          We are well aware of hearing loss caused over time, but what about the people affected with sudden hearing loss? What causes your hearing loss to suddenly dissipate with no prior ear illnesses or warnings? It is scary to think about waking up one day with your hearing in one or both ears being gone. Ear specialists split this condition into two separate categories.

The first cause of sudden hearing loss occurring in the middle of the ear is called conductive loss. Conductive hearing loss is relatively easy to diagnose and also easy to fix. The most common explanation for this type of sudden hearing loss is from the head cold. Fluid builds up around the bones in your ear creating infections and causing you not to hear as well. Normally you will experience this within both ears at the same time rather than just the one. Once the fluid drains from your ears you will be able to hear normal again. Another more serious condition from conductive loss would be a severe blow to your head or a sudden loud sound. This would cause dislocation or a break in one of the tiny bones in the middle of your ear. Fortunately it can be corrected through surgery with no permanent damage to your hearing.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Reasons we attend to avoid hearing aids.

      The Misguided Reasons We tend to Avoid Hearing Aids:

     A large majority of people report an increased quality of life through the use of hearing aids, but there is still over 27 million Americans who could benefit from a hearing device yet do not have one. Yes, part of the reason is the cost but a major reason is the stigma behind wearing a hearing aid. Some may fear looking older by wearing a hearing device but the truth is hearing aids are adaptable and provide a life-changing experience.
Remain optimistic while keeping an open mind to new opportunities by allowing yourself to hear fully. Refuse to allow untreated hearing loss to negatively affect your life by creating depression, career setbacks and even memory deterioration. Take a hearing test so you can get back to living a life free of hearing strain and miscommunication.  

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Mike Wheeler and his daughter, Juliet, make a difference while giving the gift of hearing to children and adults in Africa.

Making A Difference while Giving the Gift of Hearing

Mike Wheeler and his daughter, Juliet, sponsor and bring their knowledge and devotion along with "So the World May Hear" to Zambia Africa. Over 1600 Hearing Instruments were fitted for both children and adults on this trip to Africa in 2011.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Insurance Coverage Concerns with Hearing Aids

        Insurance Coverage Concerns with Hearing Aids

Hearing is such an important part of an individual’s health and lifestyle that it’s concerning consumers that insurance companies don't make it easier to cover hearing aids. Hearing aids can be expensive and range in the thousands per device which can make it difficult for anyone experiencing a hearing loss to purchase hearing aids at a reasonable cost.

Some reasons suggested to the challenge of hearing aid assistance through insurance is the percentage of the elderly who accumulate hearing loss is so high that it would be financially viable for insurance companies to cover hearing aids on an insurance plan. The cost is too much and the percentage of people who need hearing aids is too high. So what can be done to make it more affordable for people to purchase hearing aids? Surely there has to be some compromise between all parties involved in order to make it profitable AND affordable without having the policies of younger people compensating for the large costs of the elderly.

 Eligible adults and children are mostly covered through Medicaid and some nonprofit organizations may provide assistance if you meet their guidelines. Still, we have a far way to come for full assistance.